Dust Hazard Analysis of Manufacturing Process

This effort included reviewing process drawings, on-site facilitation of dust hazard analysis using a what-if method, and assessing applicable NFPA standards for the wood-products facility. The dust hazard analysis followed the same steps involved in a more typical process hazard analysis. The team identified all potential sources of ignition for the materials present in the system that were deemed combustible. NFPA 652 required facilities to conduct a dust hazard analysis on-site before September 2020 to be deemed compliant with the standard. The what-if analysis led the team through a scenario-based question-and-answer session to identify areas of concern and develop mitigations for the issues. The team investigated and quantified the risk likelihoods and impact severities for three separate processes in the manufacturer's facility.

South Carolina, USA
Previous Experience
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Project Management
Team Members Involved
Tyler Smith, MBA
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